Gang of Mexican hit men loose in the US

Border Security Tight After Reports on Mexican Hit Men in U.S.
08-26-08 at 7:45AM

Local police and federal agents along the U.S.-Mexico border are tightening security after learning about a new threat from Mexican drug cartels.

Recent intelligence reports suggest the cartels have approved sending hit men into the U.S. to kill their enemies.

So far this year, thousands of people have been killed in violence related to Mexico’s drug cartel.

2 Responses

  1. Cindy McCain to visit distressed Georgia – John McCain News-

    John McCain announced his wife was to accompany him to Sacramento, but she had left to check on the humanitarian efforts in Georgia since Russia invaded.

  2. I hope these “thousands” weren’t innocent American citizens!

    I wonder how far this has to go before the American people awaken from their slumber of political correctness, fortify the border, postpone LEGAL immigration and cut off benefits to the illegals?

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